Sustainability Central: Goals & Strategy
RT @FionaMarion: Are plants puppet masters in the pollination game, asks Prof Graham Pyke @sustaincentral & @UTS_Science. #ecology
Jeremy Lent shares his views on the outcome of @COP21en - #sustainability
ARTICLE: 'The Nation State is on the Skids' by @JulianCribb #sustainability
Fascinating read on #overconsumption and population growth by @PaulREhrlich & Anne Ehrlich
► @LeoDiCaprio #Oscars speech gave #climatechange and #sustainability the voice it deserves
Sustainability is doing what we are doing today, so that we can continue to do the same things into the future, as well or better than now, as can our children, grandchildren and other future generations.
Yet we are not. Instead, we continually see signs that our heirs are destined to inherit a world with lower overall quality of life than what we inherited. This, we think, is cause for considerable concern. Many others share this concern.
This concern led Professors Graham Pyke and Paul Ehrlich to establish Sustainability Central (SC) in partnership with the Millennium Alliance for Humanity & the Biosphere (MAHB).
Sustainability Central aims to promote sustainability for humanity through …
- Finding powerful and innovative approaches, that complement what others are doing, and pave the way for others to follow suit.
- Encompassing and integrating the four pillars of sustainability
- Environment
- Economics
- Society
- Health
- Informing, inspiring and activating, across as broad an audience as possible, but especially targeting
- Academics (all levels; all disciplines)
- Students (all levels)
- Teachers (all levels)
- Leaders, who are or will be in positions where their decisions and/or actions affect sustainability
- People who already care about sustainability, especially those willing and able to ‘spread the word’ and ‘take action’
- People who may be mis- or under-informed, or just wishing to be better informed, about sustainability issues, news, events and opportunities
We have therefore …
- Encouraged & promoted courses & programs that aim to assist with development of sustainability leaders (e.g., Masters in Global Futures, a Masters level course focusing on global futures in various areas, with theme throughout of sustainability)
- Established a website (, in conjunction with other forms of social media, providing frequent and up-to-date information about sustainability issues, news, events & opportunities. This website currently publishes two posts per week by contributors from a variety of disciplines.
- Advocated and defended the science of sustainability (because achieving sustainability rests on science and this science has been under siege)
- Given public talks about sustainability and suggesting actions that we can all take to promote it
For the most recent talk, featuring Paul Ehrlich, John Hewson, Suzanne Benn & Graham Pyke, with Roy Green as MC, see below:
Current Progress:
- Our website is unique in the information it presents and its presentation approaches
- Our website averages 30,000 unique visits per annum, publishing many contributed comments
- Our encouragement has led to a Masters level course in Global Futures, with an emphasis on Sustainability (i.e., Masters in Global Futures, University of Technology Sydney)
Based on this solid foundation, we are now …
- Developing strategies to reach much larger audiences
- Developing strategies to preach beyond the converted (no … way beyond!)
- Seeking to enhance financial support for Sustainability Central, so that it too will be sustainable!
Make a tax deductible donation
Or for more information you can email
Like to get involved?
We would welcome volunteer assistance with …
- Strategy development and implementation for Sustainability Central
- Keeping the Sustainability Central website up to date
- Identifying potential contributors of ‘posts’ for website
- Seeking contributed posts
- Editing posts
- Archiving posts