I am interested in supervising student projects (Honours, Masters, PhD) and collaborating with postdocs re any of my research interests, and more broadly. I would especially like to encourage students who wish to combine different disciplines, including biology, mathematics, chemistry, economics and engineering. (Enquire)

Within these areas, there is scope for collaborative projects at various levels, so long as they accord with my principal goal and the pursuit of excellence. With discussion, collaborative projects could be developed for undergrad, honours, postgrad, postdoc, or any kind of colleague. I have always strived for scientific excellence, and intend on continuing this commitment in future, with the hope that those I collaborate with will be similarly inclined.

I am also keen to maintain my connections with volunteers. Volunteers have contributed enormously to my field research, especially recently with my frog research on Broughton Island and my research on Christmas Bells and their honeyeater pollinators near Pt Macquarie. See above for some recent photos.

If you are a student looking for mentoring, supervision or professional guidance, click here.